Akazukin Chacha Wiki
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Akazukin Chacha character
ラスカル (?)
Rascal in the original manga
Occupation Teacher at the Urara School's Banana Class
Gender Male
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Status Alive
Voice Actor Taiki Matsuno
First Appearance Episode 2: The Rival Is The Black Riding Hood! (anime)
Vol. 2 Ch. 11 (manga)
Relatives Mayachon (wife, manga only)
Amedeo (son, manga only)

Rascal (ラスカル?) is a character in the Akazukin Chacha series. He is the teacher of the Banana class that Chacha, Riiya, Shiine, Yakko and Orin are in where he loves to whip his students into shape, but he has a soft side.


Rascal has waist-length dark hair that has bangs covering the right side of his face with a medium-length hair strand on the left side (he ties with a yellow bow in some episodes), small dark-colored eyes and he always carries brandishing whips with him wherever he goes.


Rascal wears a dark long sleeve shirt, dark pants, dark shoes and a long cape.


Rascal wears a short-sleeved purple shirt, black pants and dark shoes.


Rascal is a very enthusiastic guy who displays it a lot with his whips, which would scare the children as well as leading them into believing that he is very angry at them, but he is proud of them in reality, although he isn't always nice. He always cares for his students where he even fights for their lives.


Rascal has a personal vandetta with Teacher Mayachon whom of which have been rivals since they were born. In Episode 66, she accused Rascal of being too nice to his students that this led him to promise that everyone in his class will pass the final exam.




Akazukin Chacha
Main characters
ChachaRiiyaShiineMagical Princess
Supporting characters