Akazukin Chacha Wiki

Extreme Wreck 2000 Extreme Wreck 2000 15 July 2022

Cancelled 5th Season (1999-2000)

Here's an interesting piece of this franchise's history: a cancelled 5th season that was apparently being made around 1999. I already discussed this topic on the Lost Media Wiki Forums here, so I'll keep it brief. So this season would've taken place in the future a la All Grown Up. Shiine would've been a mage, Riiya would be a fighter serving for the king & queen & ChaCha would've no longer had her red hood. Also, Chiki would've grown into a full on phoenix. Then one night, Chiki starts going crazy & a bright pink light emerges under a door. Turns out that some new evil has emerged & now it's up to the trio to once again save the land from all of the evil beings that come their way! Heck, it's possible that they would've had to save the ent…

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Extreme Wreck 2000 Extreme Wreck 2000 8 November 2021

This show FINALLY gets added to the Best TV Shows Wiki!

When I was browsing the Best TV Shows Wiki, I noticed that this show was only mentioned in one single page, that being the page for the Garfield Show 5-part special Bewitched(not to be confused with the 1950s live-action show): https://besttvshows.miraheze.org/wiki/Bewitched_(The_Garfield_Show)

That was it: It didn't have its own page. Just that single mention. I found it just weird because that wiki covered far more obscure shows out there such as Oscar And Friends, Space Strikers, Fantomcat, Z-Squad, & a couple of others I can think of. At the time, I didn't have permission to make pages on those wikis(though I could make pages on the Crappy Games Wiki, & Awesome Games Wiki), so I waited, & just edited other pages until suddenly, today I rando…

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Extreme Wreck 2000 Extreme Wreck 2000 24 January 2021

The Akazukin ChaCha Iceberg(yes, really)

I thought I'd make an iceberg for this series as I find it to be a really interesting series, & a good one too. One of my favorite shows alongside Mighty Max, Space Strikers, & Space Cats in fact :). Enjoy!

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Extreme Wreck 2000 Extreme Wreck 2000 3 April 2020

This wikia feels dead.

I swear, I feel like I'm going through an abandoned website, & just editing pages here, & there to make this site feel a whole lot less... dead. I'm basically one of the only 2 people that still consider it as an alive, & well place.

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